

The archivists of Kansas City Parks, Recreation and Boulevards work to preserve and organize valuable historical photographs and documents that trace the development of the parks system in the City of Kansas City, Mo. The goal of the Parks and Recreation Department is to make these items available to the public. The Parks and Recreation Department material available for viewing includes microfilm copies of Board of Parks Commissioners Minutes and related papers, Parks and Recreation Department scrapbooks (1892-1916, 1939-1962, 1965-1969), and other departmental documents. In addition, the archives has photographs and an architectural drawing collection that chronicles the history of Kansas City Parks and Boulevards that may be viewed at the Archives.

The Archives are located at 4600 E. 63rd Street Trafficway, Kansas City, MO 64130-4629. Hours are 9 a.m. until 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday; closed on federal holidays. It is recommended that you call before you come: 816-513-7643 for general archival inquiries or for architectural drawing information.

Available Historical Photographs and Books>>

  • Board of Parks and Recreation Commissioners:
    Board of Parks and Recreation Commissioners:
    Index Subject Cards for the Official Proceedings of the Parks and Recreation Commissioners.
  • Board of Parks and Recreation Commissioners:
    Official Proceedings
  • Board of Parks and Recreation Commissioners:Correspondence 1891-1911
  • Board of Parks and Recreation Commissioners:Correspondence 1893-1897
  • Board of Parks and Recreation Commissioners:Correspondence and Report Files 1890-1937, A-W
  • Board of Parks and Recreation Commissioners:Correspondence and Subject Files 1890-1935
  • Board of Parks and Recreation Commissioners:Subject Files of Park Board President L.P. Cookingham 1979-1986, A-Z
  • Board of Parks and Recreation Commissioners:
    Resolutions 1892-1935
  • Board of Parks and Recreation Commissioners:
    Ordinances (Correspondence) 1893-1899
  • Board of Parks and Recreation Commissioners:
    Subject Files (Resolutions and Ordinances) 1881-1923
  • Board of Parks and Recreation Commissioners:
    Project Files 1898-1946, A-W
  • Board of Parks and Recreation Commissioners:
    Calculations, Subject Files, News clippings, Reports, Condemnation Files and Architectural Drawings 1910-1965
  • Board of Parks and Recreation Commissioners:
    Park Department Topographical Maps 1898-1909
  • George Kessler, Board of Park Commissioners, Secretary
    George Kessler, Board of Park Commissioners, Secretary
  • Parks Department and Recreation Division Scrapbooks
    Parks Department and Recreation Division Scrapbooks
  • Starlight Theatre
    Starlight Theatre
  • Union Cemetery
    Union Cemetery
  • Welfare Department, Recreation Division Documents
    Recreation Division Program Files 1940-1959

    Recreation Division Subject Files 1940-1959
    Recreation Division Property Files 1943-1971
    Recreation Division Property Files 1943-197
    Recreation Division Subject Files – Ralph Hileman 1962-197

Non-inclusive – means that there is not a complete run of dates in the listed documents. Example: Gillham Road 1951-1988 (non-inclusive) – the documents for this record begin in 1951 and end in 1988, but not every year between those dates is represented in the documents.

1. Board of Parks and Recreation Commissioners:

Index Subject Cards for the Official Proceedings of the Parks and Recreation Commissioners

Alphabetical general subject index to the Board of Park Commissioners Minutes. Each entry includes the subject category, a brief description of the indexed item, and the date the indexed item appeared in the minutes.

Roll No. PA-1-G
General Subjects 1926-1988 (non-inclusive) through West Park District, Gillham Road 1951-1988 (non-inclusive)

Roll No. PA-2-G
West Park District, Gladstone Boulevard 1964-1967 (non-inclusive) through General Correspondence, Bills & Payrolls 1895-1939 (non-inclusive)

Roll No. PA-3-G
General Correspondence, Bills & Payrolls 1895-1939 (non-inclusive through General Correspondence, Personnel 1895-1927, 1939-1943 (non- inclusive)

Roll No. PA-4-G
General Correspondence, Personnel 1895-1927, 1939-1943 (non-inclusive through Boulevards, Parks and Parkways-Brookside Boulevard 1911- 1953 (non-inclusive)

Roll No. PA-5-G
Boulevards, Parks and Parkways-Brookside Boulevard 1911-1953 (non- inclusive) through Boulevards, Parks and Parkways – Independence Boulevard 1896-1921 (non-inclusive)

Roll No. PA-6-G
Boulevards,Parks and Parkways-Independence Boulevard 1896-1949 (non- inclusive through Boulevards, Parks and Parkways-The Paseo 1985-1929 (non-inclusive)

Roll No. PA-7-G
Boulevards,Parks and Parkways-The Paseo 1985-1929 (non-inclusive through Boulevards, Parks and Parkways-Swope Park 1897-1922 (non-inclusive)

Roll No. PA-8-G
Boulevards, Parks and Parkways-Swope Park 1897-1922 (non-inclusive through Boulevards, Parks and Parkways-Ward Parkway 1911-1949 (non-inclusive)

Roll No. PA-9-G
Boulevards, Parks and Parkways-Ward Parkway 1911-1949 (non-inclusive through Boulevards, Parks and Parkways-West Terrace Park 1895-1955 (non-inclusive)

The official record of the Board of Parks and Recreation Commissioners’ decisions regarding the activities of the Parks and Recreation Department.

Roll No. PA-6
Official Record of Proceedings of the Board of Park and Boulevard Commissioners
March 8, 1892-June 11, 1895

Roll No. PA-6A
Official Record of Proceedings of the Board of Park and Boulevard Commissioners
June13, 1895 – August 9, 1900

Roll No. PA-7
Official Record of Proceedings of the Board of Park and Boulevard Commissioners
August 9, 1900 – April 17, 1905

Roll No. PA-8
Official Record of Proceedings of the Board of Park and Boulevard Commissioners
April 25, 1905 – December 15, 1910

Roll No. PA-9
Official Record of Proceedings of the Board of Park and Boulevard Commissioners
November 28, 1910 – June 6, 1917

Roll No. PA-10
Official Record of Proceedings of the Board of Park and Boulevard Commissioners
April 17, 1918 – April 11, 1935

Roll No. PA-11
Official Record of Proceedings of the Board of Park and Boulevard Commissioners
April 25, 1935 – June 1, 1955

Roll No. PA-12
Official Record of Proceedings of the Board of Parks and Recreation Commissioners
June 8, 1955 – April 26, 1967

Roll No. PA-13
Official Record of Proceedings of the Board of Parks and Recreation Commissioners
May 4, 1967 – February 15, 1977

Roll No. PA-14
Official Record of Proceedings of the Board of Parks and Recreation Commissioners
February15, 1977 – December 25, 1979

Roll No. PA-96
Official Record of Proceedings of the Board of Parks and Recreation Commissioners
January1, 1980 – December 25, 1984

Roll No. PA-97
Official Record of Proceedings of the Board of Parks and Recreation Commissioners
January 1, 1985 – February 4, 1992

Roll No. PA-98
Official Record of Proceedings of the Board of Parks and Recreation Commissioners
February 6, 1992 – December 1993

The correspondence includes: vendors and contractors, Kansas City residents with complaints or other comments, officials from other cities with requests information about Kansas City Parks and Boulevards, and other Kansas City public employees from other city departments concerning Parks Department operations. These records also hold a large quantity of George Kessler’s correspondence during his tenure as Board of Park Commissioners secretary and engineer.

Roll No. PA-1
Letter Box R – V Letter to Parks Board from A.A. Rankin, February 3, 1904, subject: job application through Letter to Parks Board from Hoye Directory Co., February 15, 1899, subject: KC population by Parks Districts

Roll No. PA-18
Letter Box K – L Letter to Parks Board from Affleck Steel Company, April 8, 1902, subject: cement testing through Letter to Parks Board from B.W. Zeus, June 21, 1907, subject: flower bed in Linwood-Euclid Park

Roll No. PA-19
Letter Box A – Z Letter to Parks Board from G.E. Kessler, October 11, 1898, subject: collection of Benefit Assessments through Letter to Parks Board from E.E. Yates, April 19, 1904, subject: tax bills

The correspondence includes: reports on financial matters; cover letters to the City Council concerning funding requests, Board of Park Commissioner plans and activities; correspondence with various city officials; and reports by George Kessler to the Park Board. The volume contains 671 pages with a 24 page index. The hand written pages are extremely hard to read.

Roll No. PA-48
Index page A through Letter to King Bridge Company from G.E. Kessler, December 9, 1896 [cont’d. on PA-49]

Roll No. PA-49
Letter to C.S. Palmer from G.E. Kessler, December 1896, through Letter to T. Boornahan from S.B. Root, March 24, 1896

These files contain valuable information on many aspects of Board of Park Commissioners policies and operations. They include: funding for Board of Park Commissioners projects; execution of Board of Park Commissioners projects; public requests, recommendations, and complaints; relations with other officials and political units within the city government activities; and Board of Park finances. The dates on these files are non-inclusive.

Roll No. PA-27-1

1. Admiral Boulevard 1903-1930

2. American Institute of Park Executives 1898-1932

3. Armour Boulevard 1900-1930

4. Art Commission 1896-1900, 1924-1930

5. Ashland Square 1915-1928

6. Auto Busses–Jitneys, Ordinances 1918-1928

7. Automobiles–Auto Licenses and Vehicle Tax 1915-1932

8. Bath Houses–Financial Statements 1915

9. Bath Houses–Wading Pools–Drinking Fountains 1915-1930

10. Benton Boulevard 1898-1920

11. Belmont Boulevard 1915-1927

12. Benton Boulevard 1920-1932

13. Billboards–Signs 1904-1930

14. Bills–Flowers 1915-1928

15. Bills Against City 1892-1932

16. Bills by City Against other Firms 1902-1932

17. Blenheim Park 1921-1926

18. Blue Valley 1920-1928

19. Board of Civil Service 1915, 1919, 1925

Roll No. PA-28-1

1. Board of Health–Hospital Park 1915-1929

2. Board of Park Commissioners 1893-1932

3. City Planning Commission 1919-1931

4. Ordinances 1915-1930

5. Resolutions 1897-1932

6. Boiler Inspection 1915-1932

7. Bonds 1895-1932

8. Boys Week 1921-1927

9. Broadway 1892-1930

10. Brookside Boulevard 1915-1930

11. Brush Creek Boulevard 1915-1932

12. Brush Creek Parkway 1915-1932

13. Budd park 1890-1929

14. Certificates–Park Funds 1896-1928

15. Central Park 1915-1931

16. City Assessor 1920-1921

17. City Auditor 1914-1915

18. City Comptroller 1896-1926

19. City Counselor 1895-1932

20. Director of Personnel 1926-1929

21. City Treasurer 1908

Roll No. PA-29-1

1. Mayor 1893-1932

2. Columbus Square 1920-1930

3. Complaints and Protests 1915-1930

4. Condemnations–General 1895-1927

5. Curbing–Paving 1894-1929

6. Dead Trees 1915-1929

7. Electric Park 1925-1927

8. Applications for Positions 1893-1931

9. Orders to Employees 1919-1937

10. Foreman’s Weekly Reports 1915-1921

Roll No. PA-30-11

Foreman’s Weekly Report 1925-1926

2. Indebtedness of Employees 1895-1928

3. Instructions and Orders to Foreman 1899-1933

4. Park Department Employees Uniforms 1915-1928

5. Schedule of Employees–Salaries 1899-1933

6. Equipment 1895-1932

7. Equipment, Sports Recreational 1915, 1932

8. Estimates 1895-1900

9. Financial Statements & Budgets 1896-1932

10. Flowers-Flower Show 1920-1926

11. Kersey Coates 1915-1932

12. Matters Not Under Control of Park Board 1895-1932

13. Monuments & Memorials 1898-1932

14. Mulkey Square 1915-1929

15. Claims 1915-1931

16. Injuries in Recreational Department 1925

17. Person Complaints Against Park Employees 1915-1930

18. Personal Injury Reports 1904-1920

19. Personal Injury Reports 1921-1927

Roll No. PA-31-1

1. Personal Injury Reports 1928-1937

2. Personal Injury and Property Damage Reports 1915-1931

3. Property Damage Reports 1898-1931

4. Releases 1921-1930

5. Sheffield Park 1915-1931

6. Shrubs and Trees 1919-1929

7. Southmoreland Park 1915

8. Specifications 1894-1928

9. Spring Valley Park 1915-1927

10. Swope Parkway 1920-1932

11. Swope Parkway 1915-1919

12. 37th St.–Troost to Harrison 1919-1926

13. 38th St. 1920-1929,

14. Traffic 1910-1932

15. Trees–General Information 1895-1929

16. Union Cemetery 1895-1931

17. Valentine Road 1915-1931

Roll No. PA-31-1

18. Van Brunt Boulevard 1915-1932

19. 63rd St. Parkway 1915-1929

20. Proposed 52nd St. Boulevard 1915-1926

21. Ward Parkway 1915-1932

Roll No. PA-32-1

1. Ward Parkway 1915-1932

2. Warwick Boulevard 1893-1932

3. Water Department–Fire Hydrants 1898-199931

4. Westover Road 1925-1929

5. West Pennway 1915-1932

6. West Terrace Park 1897-1929

These files contain correspondence and reports received and sent by the Board of Park Commissioners on a variety of subjects. The dates on these files are non-inclusive.

Roll No. PA-75

1. Matt Foster (BPC President) Personal Correspondence 1926-1930

2. Chestnut Avenue Trafficway 1898-1929

3. Gladstone Boulevard 1896-1931

4. Highway Specifications 1927

5. North Terrace Park [Kessler Park] 1895-1919

6. Nursery and Forestry 1897-1929

7. Observation Park 1900-1926

8. The Paseo 1927-1932

9. The Paseo, Police Monument 1921-1927

10. Penn Valley Park 1926-1932

11. Penn Valley Park, Bath Houses 1915-1928

12. Propose Parks and Boulevards 1892-1931

13. Public Service Corporations 1914-1933

14. Publications 1900-1930

15. Quotations–Bids & Orders–Nursery & Greenhouse 1895-1928

16. Railroad Crossings and Stations 1915-1928

17. Recreation–Miscellaneous 1915-1929

18. Recreation–Playgrounds 1895-1933

19. Recreation–Sports–Baseball 1915-1929
20. Recreation–Sports–Bowling Greens 1925-1926

21. Recreation–Sports–Bridal Paths 1915-1929

22. Recreation–Sports–Croquet 1926

23. Recreation–Sports–Golf 191-1930

24. Recreation–Sports–Roque 1915

25. Recreation–Sports–Soccer 1926

26. Superintendent of Parks–W.H. Dunn 1919-1930

27. Garrison Square 1911-1929

28. Gillham Road (McGee Street Trafficway) 1899-1921

Correspondence and Subject Files 1890-1935

Roll No. PA-76

1. Gillham Road (McGee Street Trafficway) 1925-1932

2. Gregory Boulevard 1915-1932

3. The Grove 1899-1930

4. Harrison Boulevard 1899-1927

5. Heim Park (East Bottoms) 1915-1932

6. Holmes Road 1920-1930

7. Holmes Square 1897-1926

8. Hyde Park 1915-1930

9. Independence Boulevard 1895-1931

10. Infected Trees 1897-1927

11. Information To and From People Outside Kansas City 1921-1933

12. Information Request–Maps and Photographs 1902-1932

13. Information Request–Miscellaneous 1892-1927

14. Park Information–Rules and Regulations 1915-1927

15. Insurance 1900-1931

16. Karnes Boulevard 1915-1930

17. Kansas City Telephone Company 1915-1932

18. Kenwood Avenue 1903-1929

19. George E. Kessler–Routine Correspondence–1904-1932

20. Liberty Memorial 1915-1925

Roll No. PA-77

1. Liberty Memorial 1926-1932

2. Lighting Systems 1899-1932

3. Linwood Boulevard 1899-1931

4. Linwood and The Paseo–Traffic Light 1920-1929

5. Linwood and Prospect–Traffic Light 1925-1926

6. Linwood Plaza 1915-1929

7. Loose Park 1927-1935

8. Locust Street Trafficway 1903-1935

9. Lykins Square Tennis Courts 1915-1925

10. Manheim Road 191-1928

11. Marlborough Park (Arleta Park) 1920-1928

12. Mayor’s Christmas Tree Associations 1925-1931

13. Memorial Trees 1915-1930

14. Meyer Boulevard 1915-1930

15. Mill Creek Parkway 1915-1930

16. Montgall Playground 1919-1926

17. Music Pavilions 1897-1931

18. North Terrace Park [Kessler Park] 1920-1931

19. The Parade 1898-1929

20. The Paseo 1920-1926

Roll No. PA-78

1. The Paseo, Bath House 1900-1926

2. Penn Valley Park 1896-1926

3. Penn Valley Park, Pioneer Mother, Indian Scout 1915-1928

4. Penn Valley Park, Tourist Camp 1919-1929

5. Pershing Road 1915-1929

6. Policing the Parks and Boulevards 1898-1929

7. President, Board of Park Commissioners 1892-1930

Correspondence and Subject Files 1890-1935

Roll No. PA-78

8. Recreation–Playgrounds 1920-1925

9. Roanoke Park/Road/Parkway 1893-1931
10. Rockhill Road 1915-1932

11. Secretary, Board of Park Commissioners 1895-1929

12. Tennis Courts 1915-1932

13. Vendor Correspondence 1895-1931

14. Washington Square 1911-1932

15. W.T. Williams (BPC Secretary) Personal Correspondence 1926-1930

These files contain correspondence and reports received and sent by the Board of Parks and Recreation Commissioners President on a variety of subjects. The dates on these files are non- inclusive.

Roll No. PA-41-1

1. Miscellaneous Subject “A” 1980-1982

2. American Association of Zoological Parks & Aquariums 1982

3. Art Commission 1984-1985

4. Miscellaneous Subjects “B” 1980-1983

5. Barney Allis Plaza April 1, 1985

6. Bikeway 1980-1981

7. Black Archives 1985

8. Blue Hills Golf Property 1980-1981

9. Botanical Center Proposal 1982

10. Boulevards 1979-1986

11. Brush Creek Crossing–51st St. 1979-1982

12. Budget–Current 1985

13. Broadway Corridor Project 1981-1985

14. Broadway as a Boulevard –6th-14th St. June 1984

15. Miscellaneous Subjects “C” 1981-1985

16. Camp Hope Riding School May 30, 1979

17. Capital Improvement Program 1984

18. Clark Ketterman Athletic Field 1982

19. Cliff Drive–Trash Dumping 1979

20. Clean City Commission 1981

21. Councilmen 1979-1986

22. Country Club Car Right-of-Way 1979

23. Elephant Management Committee Report 1982

24. Ethics, Administration 1980

25. Executive Hills North 1983

26. Fees and Charges 1984-1985

27. Flower, Lawn & Garden Show 1983-1985

28. Folly Classic 1983

29. Freedom Fountain 1979-1984

30. Freeway Planting 1979-1981

31. Friends of the Zoo 1979-1985

32. Golf 1980-1985


Board of Parks and Recreation Commissioners:
Subject Files of Parks Board President LAP. Cookingham 1979-1986, A-Z

Roll. No. PA-41-1

33. Zoo Director 1979

34. Hallmark Grant 1984

35. Hendrickson, Gordon O. 1984

36. Heritage Village 1980-1981

37. Hidden Valley Park 1979-1982

38. Horses 1981

39. Jazz Hall of Fame 1983

40. Lawsuits 1984

41. Line Creek Park 1980-1985

42. Liberty Memorial 1979-1985

43. Liquor in the Parks 1984

44. Loose Park 1979-1985

45. Main St. Corridor 39th-47th St. 1982

46. Master Plan 1984

47. Mayor Richard L. Berkley 1979-1985

48. Meyer Circle 1985

49. Mill Creek Fitness Project 1983-1985

50. Minor Park 1980

51. Multi-Use Recreational Facilities 1979

52. Missouri Parks & Recreation Association 1980

53. Monuments 1983

54. Museum, Kansas City History and Science 1983

55. Music in the Parks 1985

56. National Association of Counties 1979

57. Nelson Gallery of Art 1979-1985

58. News clippings 1979, 1983

59. Northland Fountain 1981-1984

60. Miscellaneous Subjects “O” 1980-1981

61. Oil, Drilling on Park Property 1980-1985

62. Park & Recreation Recovery Program

63. Park Adoptions 1984

64. Park Land Acquisition/Development 1979-1981

65. Penn Valley Fitness Trail 1982-1984

66. Pershing Square 1983

67. Philosophy and Policies 1985

68. Pioneer Mother Statue 1983

69. Polar Bear Exhibit 1982

70. Police Bear Exhibit 1982

71. Railroad, Penguin Park 1984-1985

72. Railroad Museum proposal 1980

73. Revenue Loss 1984-1985

74. Riverfront Park 1981, 1985

75. Rockhill Homes Association 1981

76. Southmoreland Park 1984

77. Miscellaneous Subjects “S” 1981-1985

Subject Files of Parks Board President L.P. Cookingham 1979-1986, A-Z

Roll No. PA-42-1

1. Sales and Admission Tax 1984

2. Satchel Paige Memorial 1980-1985

3. Special Assessments 1950, 1971

4. Spirit Festival 1984-1985

5. Spring Valley Park 1980-1982

6. South Midtown Freeway 1974, 1980

7. Starlight Theater 1981, 1984-1985

8. Swimming Pools 1979

9. Sunshine Law 1982-1984

10. Swope Park Service Center 1984

11. Tax Sources 1979, 1981

12. Theater Under the Stars 1979-1981

13. Tiffany Springs Park 1982-1983

14. Trafficways Resolution 1982

15. Trucks on Boulevards 1979, 1984-1985

16. Trust Funds 1979

17. Union Cemetery Historical Society 1985-1986

18. University of Kansas–City Managers Conference 1980

19. Vaydik Retirement Dinner 1980

20. Valentine Road 1981

21. Vietnam Memorial 1984

22. Volunteer Program 1982

23. Ward Parkway 1984-1985

24. Washington Square 1985

25. Westport 1983-1985

26. Zoo 1980-1986

27. Miscellaneous Subjects 1980-1985

Roll No. PA-33-1

Part 1: Personnel This section contains resolutions and related documents that pertain to Board of Park Commissioners personnel matters.Part 2: Proposed Parks and Boulevards Contains resolutions and related material pertaining to specific subjects. Letter and petitions from citizens requesting that the Board of Park Commissioners take action on a particular matter.

Part 3: Parks Report Financial report for fiscal year 1912-1913.

Part 4: Salary Schedules Resolutions by the Board of Park Commissioners fixing salaries for Parks Department employees.

Board of Parks and Recreation Commissioners:

Ordinances (Correspondence) 1893-1899

This Roll of microfilm contains handwritten copies of City Council ordinances related to parks & boulevards in Kansas City. The first ordinance in the book is Ordinance #6307 of April 18, 1895. Most ordinances involve the establishment of various parks, boulevards, and parkways in Kansas City. Volume contains 500 handwritten pages.

Roll No. PA-47

Index page A through Letter George E. Kessler, December 22, 1899; contains 500 handwritten pages.

The microfilm has copies of resolutions and ordinances pertaining to projects of the Board of Park Commissioners, such things as acquisition of land for parks and boulevards, and, the establishment of parks and boulevards. The files also contain a limited amount of correspondence and reports on condemnation proceedings. The dates on these files are non- inclusive.

Roll No. PA-70

1. Admiral Boulevard 1900-1914

2. Armour Boulevard 1898-1910

3. Area and Mileage of Parks and Boulevards 1910

4. Ashland Square 1911-1912

5. Band Concerts 1906-1912

6. Benton Boulevard 1882-1913

7. Blue Valley Parkway 1912-1913

8. Blue Valley Park 1912

9. Board of Park Commissioners 1900-1912

10. Bonds and Funds 1897-1910

11. Broadway 1902-1911

12. Brookside Drive 1911-1914

13. Brush Creek Boulevard 1904-1907

14. Budd Park 1898-1908

15. Budd Park Esplanade 1912

16. Central Square 1907

17. Charlotte Street 1909

18. Cherry Street 1899

19. City Hospital Park 1908-1914

20. Columbus Square -Washington Square 1908-1909

21. East Park District

22. Financial Statements 1899-1910

23. Garrison Square 1909

24. Gillham Road 1882, 1899-1902

Subject Files (Resolutions and Ordinances) 1881-1923
Roll No. PA-71

1. Gillham Road 1902-1912

2. Gladstone Boulevard 1895-1923

3. The Grove 1895-1923

4. Harrison Boulevard 1903-1908

5. Holmes Park Square 1895-1912

6. Independence Boulevard 1895-1911

7. Independence Plaza 1895-1908

8. Jackson–17th Street 1911

9. Karnes Boulevard 1905-1909

10. Lighting 1902-1910

11. Linwood Boulevard 1898-1914

12. Linwood Plaza 1906-1908

13. Lykins Square 1911

14. Manheim Road 1910

15. Maple Boulevard 1907

16. Marlborough Park 1910-1911

17. Meyer Boulevard 1910-1912

Roll No. PA-72

1. Mill Creek Parkway 1899-1912

2. North Park District 1908

3. North Terrace Park [Kessler Park] 1895-1915

4. Observation Park 1899-1908

5. Park System–General Information 1897-1913

6. The Parade 1895-1909

7. The Paseo 1895-1907

Roll No. PA-73

1. The Paseo, Bath House 1900-1926

2. Penn Valley Park 1896-1926

3. Penn Valley Park, Pioneer Mother, Indian Scout 1915-1928

4. Penn Valley Park, Tourist Camp 1919-1929

5. Pershing Road 1915-1929

6. Policing the Parks and Boulevards 1898-1929

7. President, Board of Park Commissioners 1892-1930

Correspondence and Subject Files 1890-1935

Roll No. PA-78

8. Recreation–Playgrounds 1920-1925

9. Roanoke Park/Road/Parkway 1893-1931

10. Rockhill Road 1915-1932

11. Secretary, Board of Park Commissioners 1895-1929

12. Tennis Courts 1915-1932

13. Vendor Correspondence 1895-1931

14. Washington Square 1911-1932

15. W.T. Williams (BPC Secretary) Personal Correspondence 1926-1930

These files contain correspondence and reports received and sent by the Board of Parks and Recreation Commissioners President on a variety of subjects. The dates on these files are non- inclusive.
Roll No. PA-41-1

1. Miscellaneous Subject “A” 1980-1982

2. American Association of Zoological Parks & Aquariums 1982

3. Art Commission 1984-1985

4. Miscellaneous Subjects “B” 1980-1983

5. Barney Allis Plaza April 1, 1985

6. Bikeway 1980-1981

7. Black Archives 1985

8. Blue Hills Golf Property 1980-1981

9. Botanical Center Proposal 1982

10. Boulevards 1979-1986

11. Brush Creek Crossing–51st St. 1979-1982

12. Budget–Current 1985

13. Broadway Corridor Project 1981-1985

14. Broadway as a Boulevard –6th-14th St. June 1984

15. Miscellaneous Subjects “C” 1981-1985

16. Camp Hope Riding School May 30, 1979

17. Capital Improvement Program 1984

18. Clark Ketterman Athletic Field 1982

19. Cliff Drive–Trash Dumping 1979

20. Clean City Commission 1981

21. Councilmen 1979-1986

22. Country Club Car Right-of-Way 1979

23. Elephant Management Committee Report 1982

24. Ethics, Administration 1980

25. Executive Hills North 1983

26. Fees and Charges 1984-1985

27. Flower, Lawn & Garden Show 1983-1985

28. Folly Classic 1983

29. Freedom Fountain 1979-1984

30. Freeway Planting 1979-1981

31. Friends of the Zoo 1979-1985

32. Golf 1980-1985

Board of Parks and Recreation Commissioners: Subject Files of Parks Board President LAP. Cookingham 1979-1986, A-Z

Roll. No. PA-41-1

33. Zoo Director 1979

34. Hallmark Grant 1984

35. Hendrickson, Gordon O. 1984

36. Heritage Village 1980-1981

37. Hidden Valley Park 1979-1982

38. Horses 1981

39. Jazz Hall of Fame 1983

40. Lawsuits 1984

41. Line Creek Park 1980-1985

42. Liberty Memorial 1979-1985

43. Liquor in the Parks 1984

44. Loose Park 1979-1985

45. Main St. Corridor 39th-47th St. 1982

46. Master Plan 1984

47. Mayor Richard L. Berkley 1979-1985

48. Meyer Circle 1985

49. Mill Creek Fitness Project 1983-1985

50. Minor Park 1980

51. Multi-Use Recreational Facilities 1979

52. Missouri Parks & Recreation Association 1980

53. Monuments 1983

54. Museum, Kansas City History and Science 1983

55. Music in the Parks 1985

56. National Association of Counties 1979

57. Nelson Gallery of Art 1979-1985

58. News clippings 1979, 1983

59. Northland Fountain 1981-1984

60. Miscellaneous Subjects “O” 1980-1981

61. Oil, Drilling on Park Property 1980-1985

62. Park & Recreation Recovery Program

63. Park Adoptions 1984

64. Park Land Acquisition/Development 1979-1981

65. Penn Valley Fitness Trail 1982-1984

66. Pershing Square 1983

67. Philosophy and Policies 1985

68. Pioneer Mother Statue 1983

69. Polar Bear Exhibit 1982

70. Police Bear Exhibit 1982

71. Railroad, Penguin Park 1984-1985

72. Railroad Museum proposal 1980

73. Revenue Loss 1984-1985

74. Riverfront Park 1981, 1985

75. Rockhill Homes Association 1981

76. Southmoreland Park 1984

77. Miscellaneous Subjects “S” 1981-1985

Subject Files of Parks Board President L.P. Cookingham 1979-1986, A-Z

Roll No. PA-42-1

1. Sales and Admission Tax 1984

2. Satchel Paige Memorial 1980-1985

3. Special Assessments 1950, 1971

4. Spirit Festival 1984-1985

5. Spring Valley Park 1980-1982

6. South Midtown Freeway 1974, 1980

7. Starlight Theater 1981, 1984-1985

8. Swimming Pools 1979

9. Sunshine Law 1982-1984

10. Swope Park Service Center 1984

11. Tax Sources 1979, 1981

12. Theater Under the Stars 1979-1981

13. Tiffany Springs Park 1982-1983

14. Trafficways Resolution 1982

15. Trucks on Boulevards 1979, 1984-1985

16. Trust Funds 1979

17. Union Cemetery Historical Society 1985-1986

18. University of Kansas–City Managers Conference 1980

19. Vaydik Retirement Dinner 1980

20. Valentine Road 1981

21. Vietnam Memorial 1984

22. Volunteer Program 1982

23. Ward Parkway 1984-1985

24. Washington Square 1985

25. Westport 1983-1985

26. Zoo 1980-1986

27. Miscellaneous Subjects 1980-1985

Roll No. PA-33-1

Part 1: Personnel This section contains resolutions and related documents that pertain to Board of Park Commissioners personnel matters.

Part 2: Proposed Parks and Boulevards Contains resolutions and related material pertaining to specific subjects. Letter and petitions from citizens requesting that the Board of Park Commissioners take action on a particular matter.

Part 3: Parks Report Financial report for fiscal year 1912-1913.

Part 4: Salary Schedules Resolutions by the Board of Park Commissioners fixing salaries for Parks Department employees.

This Roll of microfilm contains handwritten copies of City Council ordinances related to parks & boulevards in Kansas City. The first ordinance in the book is Ordinance #6307 of April 18, 1895. Most ordinances involve the establishment of various parks, boulevards, and parkways in Kansas City. Volume contains 500 handwritten pages.

Roll No. PA-47

Index page A through Letter George E. Kessler, December 22, 1899; contains 500 handwritten pages.

The microfilm has copies of resolutions and ordinances pertaining to projects of the Board of Park Commissioners, such things as acquisition of land for parks and boulevards, and, the establishment of parks and boulevards. The files also contain a limited amount of correspondence and reports on condemnation proceedings. The dates on these files are non- inclusive.

Roll No. PA-70

1. Admiral Boulevard 1900-1914

2. Armour Boulevard 1898-1910

3. Area and Mileage of Parks and Boulevards 1910

4. Ashland Square 1911-1912

5. Band Concerts 1906-1912

6. Benton Boulevard 1882-1913

7. Blue Valley Parkway 1912-1913

8. Blue Valley Park 1912

9. Board of Park Commissioners 1900-1912

10. Bonds and Funds 1897-1910

11. Broadway 1902-1911

12. Brookside Drive 1911-1914

13. Brush Creek Boulevard 1904-1907

14. Budd Park 1898-1908

15. Budd Park Esplanade 1912

16. Central Square 1907

17. Charlotte Street 1909

18. Cherry Street 1899

19. City Hospital Park 1908-1914

20. Columbus Square -Washington Square 1908-1909

21. East Park District

22. Financial Statements 1899-1910

23. Garrison Square 1909

24. Gillham Road 1882, 1899-1902

Subject Files (Resolutions and Ordinances) 1881-1923

Roll No. PA-71

1. Gillham Road 1902-1912

2. Gladstone Boulevard 1895-1923

3. The Grove 1895-1923

4. Harrison Boulevard 1903-1908

5. Holmes Park Square 1895-1912

6. Independence Boulevard 1895-1911

7. Independence Plaza 1895-1908

8. Jackson–17th Street 1911

9. Karnes Boulevard 1905-1909

10. Lighting 1902-1910

11. Linwood Boulevard 1898-1914

12. Linwood Plaza 1906-1908

13. Lykins Square 1911

14. Manheim Road 1910

15. Maple Boulevard 1907

16. Marlborough Park 1910-1911

17. Meyer Boulevard 1910-1912

Roll No. PA-72

1. Mill Creek Parkway 1899-1912

2. North Park District 1908

3. North Terrace Park [Kessler Park] 1895-1915

4. Observation Park 1899-1908

5. Park System–General Information 1897-1913

6. The Parade 1895-1909

7.The Paseo 1895-1907

Roll No. PA-73

1. The Paseo 1908-1912

2. Penn Valley Park 1895-1910

3. Prospect Boulevard 1905-1909

4. Roanoke Park 1905-1909

5. Roanoke Parkway 1911-1912

6. Rockhill Road and Terrace 1909-1914

7. Rules and Regulations on Parks and Boulevards 1895-1912

8. Seventh Street 1906-1912

9. Sheffield Park 1911

10. Southwest Park District 1909

11. Spring Valley Park 1901-1912

12. Thirty Eighth Street 1906-1908

13. Swope Park 1896-1915

14. Swope Parkway 1902-1912

15. Tax Levies East Park District 1898-1912

16. Tax Levies North Park District 1896-1912

Roll No. PA-74

1. Tax Levies South Park District 1896-1912

2. Tax Levies West Park District 1898-1912

3. Tax Levies Southwest Park District 1911-1912

4. Tax Levies Swope Park District 1910-1912

5.Tax Levies Westport Park District 1896-1912

6. Valentine Road 1906-1910

7. Van Brunt Boulevard 1910-1912

Subject Files (Resolutions and Ordinances) 1881-1923

Roll No. PA-748. Ward Parkway 1910-1913

9. Warwick Boulevard

10. West Terrace park 1899-1912

11. West Pennway 1906-1915

12. Westport Park District 1898-1909

These files contain architectural and engineering drawings, maps, plats, statistical reports, news clippings, correspondence, working papers, bids, proposals, contracts, specifications, and copies of resolutions and ordinances related to Board of Park Commissioner projects. The dates on these files are non-inclusive.

Roll No. PA-36-1

1. Admiral Boulevard 1905-1925

2. Blue Valley Parkway 1912-1928

3. Brush Creek Boulevard 1907-1946

4. Central Park 1929-1934

5. Gillham Road 1926-1941

6. Gregory Boulevard 1925-1941

7. Harrison Boulevard 1909-1925

8. Holmes Road 1925-1927

9. Independence Plaza 1898

10. Linwood Boulevard 1917-1930

11. Loose Park Pergola 1938

12. Meyer Boulevard 1915-1937

13. Mill Creek Parkway [J.C. Nichols Parkway] 1908-1936

14. Montgall Playground 1919-1923

15. North Terrace Park [Kessler Park] 1901-1940

16. Pershing Road 1923-1936

17. Roanoke Park 1922

18. Roanoke Parkway 1922

19. Rockhill Road 1930-1931

20. Specifications–Pennsylvania Avenue Viaduct and The Paseo Viaduct 1911

21. Spring Valley Park 1924-1927

22. Swope Park 1909-1941

23. Swope Parkway 1912

Roll No. PA-37-1

1. The Paseo 1904-1940

2. Union Station 1909-1911

3. Valentine Road, map

4. Van Brunt Boulevard 1917-1946

5. Van Brunt Boulevard, Subway Plan 1915

6. Ward Parkway 1916-1940

7. Warwick Boulevard 1926

Board of Parks and Recreation Commissioners: Project Files 1898-1946, A-W

Roll No. PA 37-1

8. Washington Square [Columbus Square] 1911

9. West Pennway 1914

10. West Terrace Park 1926-1945

11. Winner Park 1915-1931

These files contain news clippings, notes on various topics, and reports about Parks Department related projects. Many appear to have been collected by W.I. Ayres, a former long-time employee of the Kansas City Parks Department. The dates on these files are non-inclusive.

Roll No. PA-114

1. Blue Valley Parkway–maps, coordinates and calculations 1918-1923

2. Rockhill Road 1924

3. Dutch Elm Disease 1959-1961

4. City Manger, Parks Department 1959-1961

5. Accidents 1940

6. Battle of Westport 1925-1941

7. Civil War 1940-1943

8. Andrew Dripps Park 1951-1954

9. Kansas City History 1940-1955

10. Streets and Zoning 1940-1946

11. Liberty Memorial 1939-1948

12. Loose Park and Rose Garden 1939-1946

13. Memorial 1930-1955

14. J.C. Nichols 1947-1950

15. Park Board 1951

16. Pioneer Mother 1926-1951

17. Santa Fe Trail 1939-1948

18. Swope Park and Swope Memorial 1908-1946

19. Westport 1941-1945

20. 71st Street and Elmwood 1966

21. Cooley Park 1967

22. Swope Park Comfort Station 1968

23. Swope Park Zoo Great Ape House 1965-1966

Roll No. PA-114A

35 mm shot of items from the files microfilmed on:
Rolls PA-114 and PA-115 — Blue Valley (River) Coordinates 1918 through Kansas City North Condemnation Files 1955-1957

Roll No. PA-115

1. Swope Park Zoo Great Ape House 1965-1966

2. City Planning Commission 1956

3. Kansas City North, Condemnation Files 1955-1957

4. Kansas City North, Property Appraisals 1956

These maps depict several of the earliest large acquisitions made by the Kansas City Parks Department.
Roll No. PA-51

1. Penn Valley Park 1901

2. North Terrace Park [Kessler Park] 1899-1901

3. Swope Park 1898

4. Gladstone Boulevard 1907-1909

5. J.C. Nichols Parkway 1908

George E. Kessler was the major designer of the Kansas City, Missouri, Parks and Boulevard system during the 1890s. He was the first Superintendent of Parks for Kansas City, Missouri. He also served as secretary for the Board of Parks Commissioners and as a landscape architect for the Parks Department.

Roll No. PA-15

The correspondence includes: reports on financial matters (vouchers and payroll); cover letters to the City Council concerning funding requests, Board of Park Commissioners resolutions, and Board of Park Commissioners plans and activities; correspondence to various city officials regarding Board of Park Commissioners activities; letters to park officials in other cities requesting information of various kinds; and reports by Kessler to the Board of Park Commissioners.

Roll No. PA-16

The microfilm contains legal opinions provided to the Board of Park Commissioners by the city counselor, the legal counsel of the Board of Park Commissioners, and in several instances, private attorneys. The documents are arranged chronologically. (c. 1890s)

These scrapbooks were put together and maintained through the years by the Kansas City, Missouri, Parks Department. The scrapbooks contain newspaper articles clipped from various Kansas City newspapers such as The Star, The Times, The Call and Wednesday Magazine with subjects relevant to parks and recreation in Kansas City. The scrapbooks are an excellent source of information for people interested in specific pa rks or events held in the city.

The scrapbooks from the 1890s contain many clippings that document the origins of the parks system in Kansas City, Missouri, with both pro and con views being included. The 1940s scrapbooks include information about various WPA projects within the city and wartime activities involving the Parks Department. The 1950s scrapbook contains many clippings from The Call and The Star on issues involving integration of the Swope Park swimming pool. The 1960s scrapbooks contain many clippings that deal with the expansion of services of the Parks Department in Kansas City, North.

Roll No. PA-10-G

1892-1893, 1895-1897, 1912

Roll No. PA-20

October 4, 1897-December 17, 1899

Roll No. PA-21

December 18, 1899-April 26, 1905

Roll No. PA-22


April 27, 1905-November 17, 1909

Roll No. PA-23

October 19, 1909-July 31, 1911

Roll No. PA-25

August 1, 1911-April 30, 1915

Roll No. PA-26

May 24, 1915-December 30, 1916

Roll No. PA-11-G


Roll No. PA-12-G


Roll No. PA-13-G


Welfare Department, Recreation Division Scrapbooks

Roll No. PA-14-G


Board of Parks and Recreation Commissioners:

Starlight Theatre Correspondence and Report Files, Starlight Theater Association, Parks Department 1946-1969

The documents provide detailed information about the planning and construction of the theatre. Files also contain relatively complete documentation of the operations and activities of Starlight Theatre over an extended period of time as well as the material relating to the relationship between the Parks Department and the Starlight Theatre Association.

Roll No. PA-110

1. Carpenter Shop: Footing & Floor Slab 1951-1952

2. Change Orders 1950-1951

3. Construction 1950-1951

4. Construction of Building 1950-1952

5. Electrical Contract 1950-1951

6. Fence 1951

7. Insurance 1951-1956

8. Miscellaneous 1946-1952

9. Parking Lot 1951-1953, 1955-1956

10. Paving 1959-1960

11. Paving of Adjacent Parking Lot and Roads 1959

12. Pergolas 1959-1960

13. Plans, Contracts, Costs, Etc. 1946, 1949-1953

14. Plastic Seats 1953-1956

15. Seats 1950-1954

16. Stage and Orchestra Pit Reconstruction 1952-1954

17. Subdrainage of Madam Roadways 1951-1952

18. Starlight Theatre Association 1949-1950

Roll No. PA-110A

This contains the 35mm Shots for Electrical Contracts through Starlight Theatre Association 1965

Roll No. PA-111

Starlight Theatre Association 1951, 1952, 1953, 1954, 1955, 1956, 1957, 1958, 1959, 1960, 1961, 1962

Roll No. PA-112

Starlight Theatre Association 1962, 1963, 1964, 1965, 1966, 1967, 1968, 1969

Roll No. PA-113

Starlight Theatre Association 1969, 1970

Care of Union Cemetery was taken over by the Parks Department in 1943. The cemetery contain about thirty acres with several city pioneers and war veterans buried there.

Internment registers for persons buried in single graves have been microfilmed. On the microfilm, such information as date of burial, name of person buried, burial location, cost, and undertaker can be found.

Roll No. PA-1

1. Burial Records 1889-1901

2. Burial Records 1901-1907

3. Burial Records 1907-1927

4. Burial Records 1928-1978

5. Lot Book 1 thru 73

6. Lot Book 73 thru 76

The Union Cemetery records include the deed book where information such as lot purchaser, size of lot, cost of lot, date of payment, and method of payment can be found. The deed book includes an alphabetical index. Also on PA-2 is a list of soldiers buried in Union Cemetery.

Roll No. PA-2

1. Original Deed Book

2. Soldier’s Graves

Alphabetical Listing

Semi-Alphabetical Listing

Listing by Platted Blocks

Listing by Lettered Blocks


Potters Field

Roll No. PA-3

List of Union Cemetery Burials: Aagaard, Alex through Justice, Jonathan
3″ x 5″ cards that list name, date of burial and lot locations.

Recreation Division Program Files 1940-1959

These documents contain material on activities of the Recreation Division during the 1940s and 1950s. The records document the Recreation Division’s development while under the control of the Welfare Department. Examples of documents included in the various Summer Program years are: Golden Arrow, Party Planners, Tennis Programs, Flyers, Weekly Themes, Day Camps, Street Showers, Sports, Arts & Crafts, Responsibility Charts, Dance Programs, Epiphany Programs, Pageants, and Dramatics. The dates on these files are non-inclusive.

Roll No. PA-34

1. History of Public Recreation Division 1940-1954

2. Public Recreation Program 1942

3. Public Recreation Program 1943

4. Public Recreation Program 1944

5. Operational Costs 1946

6. Recreation Program 1947

7. Playground Report 1948

8. Summer Program 1948

9. Fall and Winter Programs 1949-1951

10. Summer Program 1950

11. Recreation Division Staff Meeting Minutes 1951-1953

12. Summer Program 1952, 1953, 1954, 1955

Roll No. PA-35

1. Summer Program 1956, 1957

2. Summer Program Personnel 1958, 1959


Welfare Department, Recreation Division Documents:

Recreation Division Subject Files 1940-1959

These files provide detailed information on the operations of the Recreation Division during the 1940s and 1950s. The location subject files provide extensive documentation of the Recreation Division’s activities throughout the city during this period. These location subject files often contain extended discussions of Recreation Division policy decisions, at least with regard to specific projects or activities. The dates on these files are non-inclusive.

Roll No. PA-38

1. 74th Street and Agnes 1950

2. Arleta Park 1953-1957

3. Area Miscellaneous 1946-1952, 1954-1959

4. Banneker Playground 1952-1953, 1956

5. 35th and Bell 1950, 1955

6. Belvidere Playground 1941-1942, 1944, 1946-1947, 1950-1951, 1954-1955, 1957

7. Benjamin Harrison District 1956

8. Brookside at 58th Street 1948

9. Bulletins 1950-1952, 1954

10. 37th Street and Cleveland 1950

11. Clippings 1945-1957

12. Coburg Lands

13. Congregational Church 1957-1958

14. Cooley School 1954-1956

15. 18th Street and Corrington 1946, 1951-1956

16. Cottage Lane 1948, 1950

Division Subject Files 1940-1959

Roll No. PA-38

17. 29th Street and Cypress 1953-1958

18. 1010 Oak Street 1957

19. Dunbar Bond Fund 1943-1945, 1949-1951, 1953-1958

20. Heim Park–East Bottoms 1945, 1947, 1950-1958

21. Flora Avenue–Police Station 1953-1954

22. Flowers and Gifts 1952, 1955-1959

23. 10th and Forest Avenue 1948, 1952, 1955

24. Gage Park 1945-1952, 1954-1957

25. Garfield and Woodland Avenue 1956

26. Garrison Community Center 1944, 1948-1955, 1958

27. Greenwood Area 1957

28. Harlem Community Center 1955

29. 10th and Harrison Downtown Playground–Kemp Park 1948-1958

30. 25th Street and Indiana 1947, 1953

31. 54th Street and Jackson

32. Jewish Community Center 1955-1956

33. Kansas City, North 1953-1958

34. Kansas City, North Annexed Area 1949-1956

35. 69th Street and Kensington 1948, 1950, 1952-1956, 1958

36. Land Trust Properties 1946, 1948, 1950-1951, 1953

Roll No. PA-39

1. Leeds Park 1955-1956

2. 16th Street and Locust Fire Station 1954

3. Lykins Community Center 1945-1948, 1951-1957

4. 20th Street and Madison 1944-1947, 1952

5. Directories 1944, 1948, 1951, 1953-1954

6. Marlborough Community Center 1949-1954, 1956

7. 29th Street and Myrtle 1950-1951, 1956

8. Northeast Athletic Field 1946, 1948-1958

9. Northside Bleachers 1950 1954, 1957

10. Northside Youth Club 1945, 1948, 1950-1954, 1957

11. 83rd Street and Oak 1956

12. 35th Street and Oakley 1952-1954, 1958

13. Observation Park 1950-1955, 1957

14. Other Non-Center Cities 1943, 1949-1952, 1955

15. Picnic Loans 1954-1955

16. Prospect at 20th and 23rd Street 1943, 1948, 1956-1957

17. 82nd and Prospect 1954-1955

18. Recreation Facilities Southwest Trafficway 1950-1951

19. Shiloh Park 1947, 1951-1953

20. Snack Bars 1948, 1950-1958

21. Southeast Community Center 1952-1957

22. Southeast High School 1956

23. South Paseo Community Center 1950, 1955

24. 5 and 30 Minute Speeches 1951-1952

25. 59th Street and Spruce 1955-1956, 1958

Welfare Department, Recreation Division Documents:

Recreation Division Subject Files 1940-1959

Roll No. PA-39

26. 31st Street and Summit 1940, 1943, 1944, 1948

27. 82nd Street and Summit 1947-1955, 1957-58

28. Swimming Pools 1953-1956

29.Television/Radio 1952-1954

30. Tracy Community Center 1944-1956

Roll No. PA-40

1. Tracy Community Center 1950

2. Westside Pilot Project 1951-1956

3. Westside Programs other than Pilot 1951-1954, 1957-1958

4. Westside Shelter Flood 1951

5. Westwood Park 1945, 1952, 1954

6. Winner Park 1953-194

These files contain information about policy decisions and activities of the Division of Recreation during the mid-20th century. Much of the material deals with the acquisition of new playground areas and the construction of new recreational facilities by the Recreation Division and Park Department during this time period. The dates on these files are non-inclusive.

Roll No. PA-43

1. Arleta Park 1953-1954, 1965

2. Ball Diamonds, various locations 1944, 1947, 1951, 1954, 1962, 1964-1968

3. Barry Road 1964-1965

4. Belvidere Playground 1965-1966, 1968, 1971

5. Property Bleachers 1967

6. Blue River Parkway 1962, 1964-1965

7. Camp Site 1950, 1961, 1964-1969

8. Central Boxing 1965, 1968

9. Clark Ketterman Field 1971

10. CYO Stadium, 5100 Swope Parkway 1968

11. Douglass Playground 1966

12. Dunbar Playground 1941, 1945-1947, 1956, 1963-1965, 1967

13. Property–Fire Inspection 1964-1967

Roll No. PA-44

1. Property–Fire Inspection 1964-1967

2. Gage Park 1943-1944, 1946-1947, 1953, 1962-1966

3. Garden Center Library

4. Gillham Park 1967-1968

5. Grove Playground 1946

6. Heim Park 1946-1947, 1951, 1963-1964, 1965

7. Hibbs Park 1965-1966

8. Kemp Playground 1946, 1953, 1956, 1962, 1964-1967, 1971

9. Lakeside Nature Center 1941, 1964-1966, 1968

10. Property–Lighting 1964-1967

11. Line Creek Park 1965, 1967, 1969

Recreation Division Property Files 1943-1971

Roll No. PA-44

12. Linwood West

13. MCI Airport Baseball Diamonds 1964-1966

14. Minor Park

15. Mulkey Park 1966-1967

16. National College Gym 1967, 1969

17. Northeast Athletic Field 1946-1947, 1953, 1962-1966

18. Property–Proposed for acquisition 1964-1967

19. Roanoke Park 1967

20. Swope Park Shelter House #1 1967

Roll No. PA-45

1. Town Fork Creek 1953, 1964-1966, 1969

2. Waterworks, Kansas City North 1953, 1960, 1965-1967

3. 5th Street and Harrison 1965-1967, 1969

4. 612 Virginia Shop 1964-1966, 1968-1969

5. 18th Street and Corrington 1965-1967

6. 20th Street and Madison 1946-1947, 1965

7. 20th Street and Prospect 1964, 1968-1969, 1971

8. 20th Street and Vine, Boxing Center, 1964, 1966, 1968

9. 25th Street and Indiana 1965-1967, 1971

10. 27th Street and Jarboe 1944, 1961-1968

11. 29th Street and Cypress 1955, 1966

12. 35th Street and Oakley 1955, 1961, 1966, 1967

13. 43rd Street and Brooklyn 1964-1966, 1968

14. 43rd Street and Cleveland 1966-1969

Roll No. PA-46

1. 69th Street and Elmwood 1952, 1963-1966

2. 74th Street and Agnes 1965

3. 84th Street and Oak 1964-1966

These records contain information about specific recreational activities that were supervised by the Kansas City Recreation Division between 1948-1973. Detailed manuals for conducting the summer playgrounds programs based on selected themes and manuals for holding parties around various holidays can be found among the records. The dates on these files are non-inclusive.

Roll No. PA-99

1. After School Recreation Program 1949

2. Arts & Crafts Instructions c.1940s

3. Arts & Crafts Instructions Fall and Winter c. 1940s

4. Arts & Crafts Instructions c. 1940s

5. Arts & Crafts Instructions November 1950

6. Arts & Crafts Instructions February 1952

7. Automotive Equipment c. 1966

8. Backyard Play Manual 1946

9. Banquet Activities c. 1940s

10. Bibliography & References

11. Bicentennial Half-Time Band Show

12. Bicentennial Programs & Projects

13. Budgets 1956-1958, 1961-1963

Recreation Division Reference Material 1940-1973

Roll No. PA-99

14. Catalog; Equipment and Supplies

15. Central City Survey Committee Report 1962

16. Church Recreation Manuals

17. City-Wide Children Contests

18. Clubs

19. Consumers Cooperative Association Children Activities Handbook

20. Dance; Folk, California, Missouri

21. Day Camp Bus Service 1969

22. Day Camp Staff Manual Girl Scouts

Roll No. PA-100

1. Day Camp Manual

2. Day Camp Program 1949, 1951

3. Diamond Jubilee of Kansas City Parks 1967

4. Directory of Summer Recreation Agencies

5. Drama

6. Family Related Activities Booklet

7. Fliers, Sample

8. Game Instructions

9. Golden Arrow Club

10. Gymnastic Training For Women and Girls

11. Hiking

12. Hobbies

13. Housekeeping Files 1945-1946, 1947-1948, 1955-1958

14. Kansas City Charter c. 1960s

Welfare Department, Recreation Division Documents: Recreation Division Reference Material 1940-1973

Roll No. PA-100/

15. Lillis, Mary Edith, Chief of Recreation Supervisor 1962

16. Marionettes c.1940s

17. Master Plan, City Plan Commission 1948

18. Miscellaneous, Recreation

19. Municipal Camp Guides

Roll No. PA-101

1. Municipal Camp Staff Manual 1964

2. Music

3. Music, Christmas

4. National Recreation Association Bulletins

5. Newspaper Clippings 1952, 1953, 1954, 1955, 1958

6. Organized Athletics, Instructions

7. Outdoor Education c. 1930s

8. Outdoor Recreation Surveys 1969

9. Painting, Textile 1951

10. Painting, Tole

11. Pamphlets & Programs

12. Pamphlets, Zoning, Employee Benefits

13. Party Planners January 1948

14. Party Planners February 1946-1948

15. Party Planners March c. 1940s

16. Party Planners April c. 1940s

17. Party Planners May c. 1940s

18. Party Planners October c. 1940s

19. Party Planners November 1940s

20. Party Planners December 1945-1947

Roll No. PA-102

1. Party Planners Spring c. 1950s

2. Party Planners Summer c. 1940s

3. Party Planners Fall c. 1940s

4. Party Planners Holiday Spice c. 1950s

5. Party Psychology 1940

6. Personnel Study Guidelines for Salaries c. 1950s

7. Picnic Book c. 1950s

8. Playground Leaders Handbook c. 1940s

9. Playground Leaders Manual 1950

10. Playground Manual 1947, 1949, 1951, 1955, 1956, 1957, 1961, 1962, 1964, 1966, 1968

Roll No. PA-103

1. Playground Manual 1968, 1969, 1970

2. Playground Manual Miscellaneous Weekly Sections

3. Playground Planning Aids 1953, 1954

4. Playground Report 1942

5. Policies & Procedures Manuals c. 1950s

6. Public Recreation Program Reports

7. Public Recreation Scrapbook 1948, 1949, 1952

Roll No. PA-104

1. Public Recreation Scrapbook 1952, 1953, 1954, 1955, 1956, 1957

2. Recreation Advisory Board Minutes & Correspondence 1954

Roll No. PA-105

1. Recreation Advisory Board Minutes & Correspondence 1962

2. Recreation Calendar 1945, 1946, 1947, 1948, 1949, 1950, 1951, 1952, 1953, 1954, 1955, 1956, 1957, 1958, 1969

3. Recreation In the Life of Kansas City

4. Recreation & Leisure Time Study 1950

5. Recreation Manual 1949

6. Recreation Training Institute 1949

7. Recreation Facilities Summary Report 1947

8. Recreation Uses of Concrete

Roll No. PA-106

1. Social Recreation Workshop c. 1940s

2. Specification & Contracts; Community Center Building and Recreation Buildings, c. 1960

3. Roanoke Road

4. Sports, Winter

5. Study of Recreation Kansas City, Missouri 1961

6. Supervisor’s Reports 1965

7. Ten-Year Report 1940-1951

8. Wagons, Nature 1969-1970

9. West-Side Pilot Project 1957

10. West Side Study 1955

These files contain information regarding the career of Ralph Hileman with the Recreation Division. They also contain documentation of the interaction between the Kansas City Parks & Recreation Department and various other social agencies within the city.

Roll No. PA-106

11. Bicentennial Riverfront Park

12. Soil-Cement Information

13. Bicycling 1972-1975

Roll No. PA-107

1. Boy Scouts 1970-1974

2. Camp Fire Girls 1973

3. Camp Little Flower 1973-1974

4. City Boys Club 1968

5. Clymer Center

6. Coaches’ Council 1969-1971

7. Convention & Tourist Council 1966-1971

8. Diamond Jubilee Event 1967

9. Girl Scouts 1972-1974

10. Golden Gloves 1966-1972

11. Health & Welfare Council

12. Heart of America Tennis Association 1963-1967

Recreation Division Subject Files–Ralph Hileman–1962-1975

Roll No. PA-107

13. Hileman Report to Mayor Davis 1963

14. Humane Society 1971-1972

15. Jackson County 1973-1974

16. Jewish Community Center 1972-1974

17. July 4th Programs 1971, 1975

18. Mayor’s Council on Youth Opportunities 1969-1972

19. Midwest District 1965-1969

20. Midwest Research Quality of Life Study 1975

21. Missouri Council on the Arts 1966, 1972

22. Missouri Parks & Recreation Association 1971-1973

23. Motor Cycling Facilities 1974

24. Municipal Stadium 1972-1973

25. Neighborhood Association House Camp 1973-1974

26. Parker, Charlie Memorial

27. Playgrounds & Community Centers

28. Prospect Plaza 1971

29. Recreation Vehicles 1970

Roll No. PA-108

1. Recruitment Trip 1969-1971

2. Reference Manual 1965

3. Riverfront Park 1972-1974

4. Roller/Ice Skating 1963-1974

5.Tennis 1973-1974

Roll No. PA-109

1. Tennis 1973-1974

2. United Community Services 1972-1974

3. U.S. Corps of Engineers 1971-1974

4. U.S.O. 1973

5. Youth Service System

6. Y.M.C.A. 1965-1974

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